Interesting to find Cold Steel in the discussion here. In the Netherlands I had a few discussions with mormons in the field service, and I was always surprised by their strong beliefs. So different from the catholics or protestants that we met, who actually were not really convinced.
Later I approached the missionaries on the street, just to know what convinced them they were the true religion. I asked them how they dealt for themselves with the contradictions in the beliefs of their religion (I mentioned a few). The answer was not dealing with the contraditions, but rather explaining how the Holy Spirit had revealed it to them, when they prayed about it. Of course the answer didn't satisfy me. I was a believing JW at the time, but it made me think about my own beliefs.
Talking to some elders in our congregation I notice a similar reaction. They just ignore the problematic issues in the Bible and the teachings and continue to emphasize other reasons that make sense to them.